quarta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2017

Finalizei o Application \o/

Sim é isso mesmo, finalmente finalizei meu application, gente que felicidade! Como tenho 26 anos eu deveria entregar tudo ainda esse mês e CONSEGUI, gente eu CONSEGUIIIIIIIIIII!

Foram praticamente dois meses até eu finalizar tudo, iniciei no dia 23/10 e completei hoje em 20/12.Obviamente não consegui entregar à tempo de conseguir a promoção de 200 doletas de desconto, pois essa promoção era válida apenas para novembro, mas ok, isso a gente supera, hahaha.
O importante é que faltam apenas os testes de inglês na agência, personalidade e ITEP, eu marquei tudo para sexta-feira dia 22/12, mano do céuuuuu nem acredito que vou finalizar esse ano com minha meta cumprida, pois foi em Setembro de 2016 que criei coragem para tirar esse sonho do papel e não aceitaria terminar 2017 sem concluir essa etapa, com certeza eu estaria totalmente frustada agora se não tivesse conseguido.

Bom, tentar deixar a ansiedade um pouco de lado e aproveitar as festas de fim de ano, concluir mais um sonho de passar o Réveillon em Copacabana esse ano, SIM! Porque já não sei quando voltarei a passar o Réveillon aqui no BR de novo e esse tem que ser marcante.

Desejo boas festas e muita luz para a vida de vocês, felicidade, saúde e prosperidade sempre!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2017

Finalizando meu Application APIA

Estou finalizando meu application e deixarei nesse post o passo a passo como resumo para vocês terem uma ideia de tudo que é necessário para ficar online.

Na APIA o application aparece da seguinte forma:

1) COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION FORM Vocês podem encontrar o passo a passo do preenchimento neste link Preenchendo o Application Form.

2) ENTER YOUR CHILDCARE EXPERIENCE Vocês podem encontrar a minha explicação nesse link Referências com crianças APIA.

3) FILL OUT YOUR HOST FAMILY LETTER Vocês podem encontrar a minha carta nesse link Carta para Host Family.

4) ADD PHOTOGRAPHS AND DOCUMENTS Nessa parte você deve colocar as fotografias com as kids, a quantidade total são oito fotos das quais não podem conter montagem. Além disso, a agência exige outros documentos que ficam classificados como "Other documents", são eles: Certificado do seu grau de escolaridade, CNH (incluindo o formulário "Brazilian Driving License Questions") , atestado de antecedentes criminais, folha de taxas (Fee Sheet) e passaporte. Aqui também será postado seu certificado do ITEP pela própria agência.

5) UPLOAD A VIDEO CLIP Somente fazer o upload do seu vídeo application, você pode encontrar o meu nesse link Au pair Video Application

6) PRINT REFERENCES AND UPLOAD COMPLETED FORMS Aqui você deve anexar os formulários referentes às experiências com crianças e referências de caráter, você pode encontrar a minha explicação nos seguintes links Referências com crianças APIA e Character Reference APIA.

7) PRINT AND COMPLETE THE MEDICAL FORM Os formulários médicos na verdade são dois (Parte A e B) onde a Parte A é preenchida e assinada pela própria candidata e o B preenchido e assinado pelo médico sendo que você deve levar a Parte A na sua consulta, pois o médico vai precisar consultá-la. Se o seu médico falar inglês você precisa apenas das versões em inglês, caso ele não tenha conhecimento da língua você deve preencher a Parte A na versão inglês e português e depois traduzir para o inglês a Parte B preenchida pelo médico.

Bom é isso, hoje a tarde será a minha consulta e os formulários médicos são os únicos itens que faltam para completar meu application. Espero que dê tudo certo! =)

E não é que deu? Finalizei o Application \o/

Até a próxima,

quinta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2017

Carta para Host Family

Hoje deixarei aqui a carta que fiz para Host Family, ficou um pouquinho grande porque eu quis soltar o verbo mesmo. Espero que vocês possam usar como inspiração. Bjus

Hello Dear Host Family,

I would like to start saying that I really appreciate that you have chosen my letter to be read.

My name is Danusia, I am a Brazilian girl who would love being an Au Pair in the United States.
I live in São Paulo City, which is the biggest and most important city in Brazil. I love living here because I have access to a lot of culture and entertainment, I enjoy spending my time off with my friends and family, we often eat out, go to the movies, to parks and museums. I also enjoy going to nightclubs to dance and have fun with my friends.
Whenever I have time and money I travel because it is one of my passions! I love making new friends, meeting new people and getting to know new cultures and places. In my humble opinion, traveling is the best way to broaden our minds and soul. At home, I enjoy surfing on internet, reading, organizing my things, cooking and baking.

My family is my mother, Deusa (48 years old - housewife), my stepfather, Carlos (48 years old - Security Guard), my father, Eliseu (51 years old - mechanic), my younger sister Dalila (22 years old - college student and Certification Assistant) and my halfbrother, Mauricio (28 years old - businessman).
My parents got divorced 18 years ago, but they have always been good friends and they both were very present in our lives. They are really loving and caring with us, but they are also very strict when the subject is education and good manners, that's why my siblings and I grew up being very responsible and polite.
They always taught us that if we truly want to reach something in life, we should give our best to achieve it and never get short ways and because of this, we became very hardworking, focused and involved with everything we do.

Two years ago, my sister and I decided to leave home, so we could get even more independent, mature and responsible and that's exactly what has happened. Having this experience of living by myself was wonderful for my personal growth.

Here in Brazil, I work as a Contract Analyst and I have worked in the same company for 9 years. I started working very young and it was the best choice I ever made because nowadays I see that although I am still young, I am much more independent, mature and responsible with my duties and my own money than most of my friends who are the same age as I am.

I decided to become an Au Pair because I see this program as a lifetime experience since I will be able to be part of a different Family and hopefully build strong bonds with them; take care of kids, which I love doing; live abroad and improving my English; what I need for my professional growth in Brazil and making new friends, having new experiences and getting to know new places and cultures which will bring me a huge personal growth.

Now, let's talk about what really matters: my experience with kids.
I started working as a nanny when I was a teenager and I worked with this for 2 years, after this I would work on weekends as a babysitter.
Since I decided to become an Au Pair, I started working as a nanny on weekends to get recent experiences with kids and during this period I took care of:

- Arthur, newborn, for 6 months.
- Lorena, 8 months old, for 3 months.
- Miguel, 3 years old, for 3 months.
- Pedro, 3 years old, for 2 months.
- Livia, 3 years old, for 2 months.

While I was with them, I was totally responsible for everything they needed, I would change diapers and clothes, help the older kids with Activities of Daily Living (brush hair and teeth, use the bathroom, wash hands, take shower), bath the babies, make their meals and feed them, make bottle and feed them and do the recreation part (do arts and crafts, play games and activities that would stimulate them and make they waste their energy, sing and dance along, read and tell stories) and also go out with them (take them to parks and to the playground).
I thought it would be better to have experiences with many kids because I would get skilled to deal with kids from different personalities.
I was also a volunteer in an Organization that helps an Indigenous Village, I would talk to the community and ask for donations and I would also stay with the kids on Sundays, we would play with them, teach them some subjects and do a cleaning on their recreation area.
In my job, since I have started working there, I am a teacher in a project that teaches courses to teenagers, I usually teach them 3 subjects: Portuguese and Communication; Environment and Organizational Behavior. It is a wonderful and very rich experience because I have to deal with 20 teenagers at the same time and I really have to stimulate them.

About my driving experience: I got my Driver License 5 years ago, I have my own car and I drive every single day and although São Paulo is a very big, busy and crowded city, I have never been in a car accident. I am a very skilled driver, very cautious and calm and I feel totally comfortable driving with kids in the car, so my host parents will be able to count on me to drive their kids to any appointments they may have.

I will become an Au Pair with my heart and arms open, I am willing to love and take care of your kids as if they were mine, with the same respect I have always received from my family and I truly expect to have a Host Family to respect me as well, be fair with me and I also be patient with me, since I know it won't be easy to communicate in a foreign language.

I’ll be glad to have the opportunity of talking to you and answering questions you might have about me or my experiences with kids. I also would like to know more about your family and interests. We’ll surely have so many things to talk about.

Thank you for taking your time for reading my letter until the end and I am so sorry for any English mistake I might made. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Veja as demais etapas deste processo nos links a seguir: Preenchendo o Application Form > Referências com crianças APIA > Character Reference APIA > Finalizando meu Application APIA > Finalizei o Application \o/ > Teste de inglês ITEP Experimento > Entrevista na agência e Teste Pisicológico Experimento > Au pair Video Application > Finalmente Online \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/